
Welcome to the homepage of Class MSE 460.

Lecture video and homeworks will be posted in Compass after Spring Break.

Course Description: This class introduces students to materials used in modern electronic and optoelectronic devices.  The progress of microelectronic industry is largely driven by the development and introduction of new materials.  The structure, chemistry, and processing of materials are closely related to their electronic and optical properties and therefore the device characteristics.  This course will cover the processing of electronic materials, the materials science and engineering of semiconductors, the physics behind the operations of various electronic and optoelectronic devices, and the adoption of different materials as well as bulk and nanoscale semiconductor processing techniques to deliver the desired device performances.  

Course Objectives: Students will be able to understand the operational mechanism of various electronic and optoelectronic devices, and how their performances are limited by material properties.  Students will develop the technical insight into the choice of the most appropriate materials and processing techniques for different applications, and obtain a grasp of the most important challenges.  The goal is to help students develop a background in semiconductor materials and semiconductor processing for related jobs, and more importantly to prepare them for future research in this field in graduate school if they would like to seek a career in the Research and Development sector of the semiconductor industry.

Prerequisites: MSE 304 or PHYCS 460

Lectures: 10:00-10:50 am, Monday/Wednesday/Friday, @ 305 MSEB


  • Prof. Qing Cao (Email: qingcao2@illinois.edu)

  • Office hour: Friday 2-3 pm @ 1008 Materials Research Lab (Supercon) or by email appointment

Suggested Textbooks: There is no required textbook for this class. But you are encourage to read contents from the following books.

1) Semiconductor processing: Robert Doering and Yoshio Nishi, Handbook of Semiconductor Manufacturing Technology 2nd Edition, CRC Press, 2008.



2) Device physics: S. M. Sze and Kwok. K. Ng, Physics of Semiconductor Devices 3rd Edition, Wiley & Sons, 2007.



3) Materials science and engineering of semiconductors: Angus Rockett, The Materials Science of Semiconductors, Springer, 2008.




  • Grading policy:

             Homework:             18%

            Midterm Exam        36%

            Final Exam:             46%

  • Homework Protocol

    Homework will due in class  one week after assignment.  Please submit a stapled hardcopy with your name. Clear handwriting or print please. Cheating will result in automatic Fail. Copying homework is considered cheating.